Aug 22, 2022 - Politics

Living in a "hellhole"

Illustration of the Chicago Municipal Device changing into a pitchfork with fire behind it.

Illustration: Brendan Lynch/Axios

Hey, it's Monica. I was a little surprised to hear state Sen. Darren Bailey resurrecting his Chicago-is-a-hellhole trope not once, but twice during his speech at Republican Day in Springfield.

  • When I later asked Bailey if he really thought most Chicagoans feel they live in a hellhole, he said, "I actually believe they do, because it's unsafe."

Driving the news: The exchange sparked a flood of "hellhole" photos on Twitter from Chicagoans displaying the beauty of our city in parks, neighborhoods, and on the lakefront and river.

A tweet about Chicago
Source: Twitter

What he's saying: "It's time to restore sanity, common sense, integrity and safety on the streets."

  • When asked how he might do that, Bailey suggested following current state gun laws, which he erroneously called "the most extensive gun laws in the nation."
  • "When we don't obey them, then there is certainly no need for more laws."

Between the lines: We can agree Chicago must be safer for its residents, but that's different from believing we live in a hellhole.

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