Apr 6, 2023 - Sports

Rockies home opener draws fans both optimistic and cynical

David Price, 86, makes it his mission to get to every Colorado Rockies home opener he can.

  • The pandemic broke his 20-plus year streak in 2020, but he's been to each one since then.

State of play: Price, who sat near a shaded corner at Coors Field, was among the thousands of fans who arrived early on Thursday, anticipating the Rockies' home opener against the Washington Nationals.

  • "I think everybody enjoys them, even if we're not on the winning side," Price tells us.

Zoom in: The Rockies (3-4) are not expected to win a lot of games this year. Preseason projections predicted a 67-95 record.

  • Toby Stewart, who was there with his young son initially said the team could exceed expectations. But after giving it more thought, Stewart was candid: "They'll probably finish last in the NL West."

Between the lines: A few fans we spoke to shared their frustration with Rockies' owners, Dick and Charlie Monfort, who face criticism for setting low expectations this season by saying the team could play ".500" ball, or just break even in wins and loses.

  • "I do not hear a lot of good things about the Rockies' owners, and I think that's part of the problem as to why our team struggles so much," Karen Henshaw tells us.
  • She would like better chemistry between the owners and players.
  • "I think they're great businessmen, but terrible team owners," Stewart said.

Yes, but: It wasn't all pessimism. Alan Bujanda, 32, could high-five the players without standing from his seats in left field. He's a lifelong Rockies fan, which is why he expects the season to end only one way.

  • "I feel we're gonna take it every single year of my life," Bujanda said. "Don't matter. You've got an optimistic [outlook] and that's it."

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