Jan 30, 2023 - News

We tested ChatGPT's Colorado knowledge. Here's how it did.

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Illustration: Sarah Grillo/Axios

Inspired by our colleagues at Axios San Antonio and Twin Cities, we thought it would be fun to test ChatGPT's local savvy.

⛰️ Its explanation of Denver's nickname was spot-on:

  • Denver is called the Mile High City because its elevation is approximately one mile (5,280 feet) above sea level. The city was officially recognized as the "Mile High City" in the 1950s by the United States Postal Service. The nickname was used to promote Denver's high altitude as a tourist attraction.

🌶️ When it comes to whether Colorado or New Mexico's green chile is better, ChatGPT took a note from Denver mayoral candidates' playbook and dodged the question:

  • In the end, it comes down to personal preference as both styles of green chile have their own unique taste and characteristics.

🧢 Its definition of a "Colorado bro" made us laugh:

  • A certain type of person who is associated with the state of Colorado, especially someone who is considered to be outdoorsy and adventurous. They could also be associated with … being into craft beer, legal marijuana, and country music.

🍺 It deemed these four breweries as Colorado's "most popular and highly regarded:"

  • New Belgium, Great Divide, Avery and Oskar Blues

❄️ It called out Denver for not consistently clearing streets after big snowstorms, a sensitive subject in the city:

  • Denver should plow its streets during snowstorms to ensure the safety and mobility of its residents and visitors. … It also helps with the mobility of people and goods, allowing the economy to keep functioning.
  • Yes, but: City officials have to work with limited resources and budget. Therefore, there may be times when certain streets are prioritized over others.

🏈 It named Peyton Manning as Denver's "biggest sports star," but said "it's also worth mentioning that there are other big sports stars in Denver," like:

  • Former NFL quarterback and Hall of Famer John Elway; and Denver Nuggets center Nikola Jokic, considered one of the best centers in the NBA.

🎩 Denver mayors who "have had a significant impact on the city," according to ChatGPT, include:

  • Robert W. Speer, Federico Peña, Wellington Webb and Michael Hancock

😎 It knew who we were!

  • "Axios Denver" is a local news website that covers business, politics and culture in Denver and Colorado, it's considered a reputable source of information and it's updated frequently with the latest news and events.

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