Nov 13, 2023 - News

Columbus taking "census" of local music scene

A row of guitars lined up before a concert at Nationwide Arena. Photo: R. Diamond/Getty Images for VetsAid 2022

Columbus can't just waltz its way to a better music scene ā€” it needs to start listening to the music makers.

Driving the news: That's the take from Music Columbus, a nonprofit supporting the local music industry that is conducting a "music census" through the end of this month.

Why it matters: Organizers hope the project will give insight on how to attract more industry professionals to the region and help musicians make a living here.

How it works: The online questionnaire is meant for those working professionally as a musician, educator, venue operator or in some other way supporting local music.

  • Respondents should be 18 or older and living in Franklin or any of nine surrounding counties.
  • The survey closes Nov. 27.

Zoom in: The census asks respondents about their artistic backgrounds, what financial support (such as pandemic relief funds) they've received in the past and what support could be helpful in the future.

  • Respondents can suggest professional development opportunities they'd like to see locally, from learning audio engineering to marketing and licensing skills.

The big picture: Music Columbus is administering this census with Sound Music Cities, an artistic advisor that is conducting similar studies in other communities, including Cleveland.

What they're saying: The nonprofit hopes to receive thousands of responses this month and publish the results by early 2024, senior project manager Amy Holihan tells Axios.

  • "This has the potential to web out in a lot of different ways," she says, noting the opportunity for new grants and training programs based on what musicians say they want.

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