Mar 10, 2019 - Politics & Policy

Exclusive poll: Young Americans are embracing socialism

Generation Z has a more positive view of the word "socialism" than previous generations, andalong with millennials — are more likely to embrace socialistic policies and principles than past generations, according to a new Harris Poll given exclusively to Axios.

Data: The Harris Poll; Poll conducted Feb. 21–25 among 2,035 adults; Chart: Axios Visuals

Why it matters: The word "socialism" does not carry the same stigma it did in the past, now that it has been resurrected by celebrity politicians like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Young people's political views often change as they grow older, but their support for socialistic policies is a sign that the old rules of politics are changing fast.

Gen Z and millennials are projected to make up 37% of the electorate in 2020, and what they're looking for in a presidential candidate is shifting.

  • The top three voting issues for Gen Z, according to the Harris poll, are mass shootings, racial equality, and immigration policy and treatment of immigrants.
  • Millennials' top issues are access to health care, global warming/climate change and mass shootings.
  • Gen X's top issues are: access to health care, terrorism/national security and the national debt — the same top issues for boomers and older.

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