Mar 28, 2017 - Politics & Policy

Top Dem calls for Mnuchin ethics investigation over "Lego Batman"

Stef Kight / Axios

Sen. Ron Wyden wants government ethics watchdogs to probe Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin's "Lego Batman" comments made during an Axios interview last week, according to Reuters.

The charge: Did Mnuchin's comments violate his ethics agreement when he plugged a movie produced by Ratpac-Dune Entertainment Holdings LLC, which he'd promised to divest himself from within 120 days of confirmation?

The Mnuchin quote: "I'm not allowed to promote anything that I'm involved in. So I just want to have the legal disclosure, you've asked me the question, and I am not promoting any product," Mnuchin said. "But you should send all your kids to 'Lego Batman.'"

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