May 7, 2024 - News

Foxtrot Dupont Circle store cleared of food for donation

Empty shelves at Foxtrot Dupont Circle

Empty shelves in Dupont Circle. Photo: courtesy of Food Rescue US-DC

After Foxtrot Market abruptly closed, perishable food is still sitting on D.C. store shelves with no explanation as to why or how long the inventory will remain. But at one location, it's going to feed those in need.

Why it matters: Food Rescue US-DC is clearing out Foxtrot's Dupont Circle location with the help of the building's owner, and will deliver an estimated 3,000-4,000 pounds of food to pantries and feeding organizations.

  • The nonprofit, which has "rescued" millions of pounds of food from local businesses to give to social service agencies, hopes to follow suit at other locations.

Catch up quick: Chicago-based Foxtrot blitzed the D.C.-area with 10 bougie bodegas starting in 2021, becoming an insta-hit for $12 gummy candies and natty wines. In April, the parent company suddenly folded, laying off hundreds of workers and leaving stocked shelves. It's expected to file for bankruptcy.

  • Employees are filing a lawsuit in Chicago. Vendors are seeking payments and in some cases, looking to recover products.

The intrigue: Local real estate investment Kain & Associates, which is based in the same Dupont Circle building, says Foxtrot went dark on communication. President Patrick Kain tells Axios they were worried about the perishable food in terms of waste, rodents, and the store's safety.

  • "I've never seen anything like this," Kain tells Axios. They decided to donate to Food Rescue "because it seemed like the right thing to do."
A woman smiles by a shopping cart filled with ice cream
Ice cream donated to low-income seniors. Photo courtesy Food Rescue US-DC

Zoom in: Kate Urbank, who runs the D.C. branch of Food Rescue US, says that contrary to reports, fridges and freezers remained on and most food hadn't spoiled. Her volunteer team swooped in and cleared out car-fulls of inventory — 200 pints of ice cream, grab-and-go eats, and yes, "all the candy."

  • "We got tons of high quality, shelf-stable items," Urbank tells Axios. They distributed it to the DC Housing Authority, which feeds low-income residents, and seven food pantries. They'll do a second sweep on Tuesday.

As for all that pricey wine, Kain is keeping it and other non-perishables on the premises until they hear from Foxtrot.


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