Oct 18, 2017

Holder: Trump's stance on crime is "dispiriting"

Photo: Mark J. Terrill / AP

Former Attorney General Eric Holder called the Trump administration's tough-on-crime stances ideologically-driven and "disappointing, dispiriting and dangerous" at an event this morning put on by Law Enforcement Leaders to Reduce Crime and Legislation. The event was coordinated to promote bipartisan efforts for criminal justice reform.

On legislation: Holder said that "Congress should pass the reform efforts they have before them... They should do so quickly" so that the U.S. criminal justice system is designed for the 21st century, not based off of "20th century ideology."

Meanwhile... During the event, the current Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, who is known to be harsh on crime and has already made efforts to reverse criminal justice reform advances, will be testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

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